Path of Exile Archnemesis 3.17 League Starters


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While we still are waiting for the PoB changes, it’s safe to say that a lot of builds have not changed or not much at all.

Our guide writers are working hard to go over the builds and before Friday we should have a lot of builds checked and ready for you!

Since we know you all are eager to find your league starters, here is 6 builds that are guaranteed good to start with!

Arc Elementalist 3.17

Skeleton Mages Necromancer 3.17

Herald of Agony Juggernaut 3.17

Chaos Dot Occultist 3.17

Freezing Pulse Totems Hierophant 3.17

Blade Blast Bladefall Poison Assassin 3.17

Before Friday we will have a lot more league starters ready so keep checking regularly to find that perfect league starter!

As always if you have any questions, join our discord