Snap Magic Finding strat




We have been graced with the information of how SnapOw and his group are going to be group magic finding in Necropolis.
It is important to understand that Snap and his group are extremely high-level players playing in a group with fairly ridiculous gear. Just because they do something, does not mean most people can do it.
With that said, if you are playing in a group and you have an aura bot, this strategy might be for you. If you’re just two players, you might need to tune down some things here or there.
Warning out of the way, we will attempt to guide you through the strategy as best we can in case you decide it is for you.

The core bits and pieces

The most important thing to understand is that this strategy revolves around applying as many divination card multipliers as possible to your maps through the use of 3 Divination Scarabs.
With the changes to scarabs in 3.24 it is now possible to run multiple scarabs of the same mechanic.
As divination card farming scales exponentially with investment, we are heavily incentivised to do this as the divination scarabs have a multiplicative effect on each other.
The cumulative effect of this can produce a situation where this outperforms old Winged scarabs.

One of the newly introduced scarabs, Divination Scarab of Curation, is the centrepiece of this strategy. It reads the following:
“10% more Divination cards found in area per different Favoured Map. Divination card drops in the area are replaced by those of your favoured maps”.
This is extremely powerful and will result in some truly massive divination card drops when you combine it with juiced maps and a good list of favoured maps to properly curate the effect.

The current best list of favourite maps:

Snap has also graciously blessed us with an EV calculator. The link to the spreadsheet can be found below
EV calc:”:

As we are using three Divination Scarabs to juice Divination drops, our last and final scarab is reserved for something that adds high amounts of monsters or increases quantity.
The best option here is Horned Scarab of Bloodlines, which causes all monsters in the area to be at least magic. This means we no longer have any white mobs and this drastically increases monster IIQ. This exponentially scales with the other scarabs.

It is important to add as many natural monsters as possible to the map as the Horned Scarab of Bloodlines will only convert natural inhabitants to magic rarity.
Two of the best methods of doing so is through influence and Alva. This is the reason why we’re going with a Conqueror Map base.

The passive tree focuses on picking up as high modifier effect and pack size as possible. The remaining points are spent to grab 100% chance for beyond as well as guaranteeing 4 incursions per map.

To reiterate, the scarab list is as follows:
Divination Scarab
Divination of Curation
Divination of Completion
Horned Scarab of Bloodlines

Map rolling instructions:
T16 conqueror map base
Hunter influence is best, it provides the most monsters.
25+ Quality the map for extra quantity and effect of modifiers on the Atlas Tree.
Exalt mods to full
Twist of fate & go.

You can find Snaps atlas tree here:

I feel it is important to stress once again, that this strategy is way too involved, expensive and perhaps most importantly too harsh for the average build to even attempt. You need an aurabot friend, you need money to invest and you need a very good build.

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