Affliction League New Skill Gems (PoE Affliction)



New skill gems introduced in Affliction 3.23

In the Affliction League, Alternate Quality Gems, Labyrinth Helmet Enchantments and Unique Threshold Jewels have been combined into a new system called Transfigured Gems

Normal, Support & Vaal Gem changes

In the Affliction expansion, GGG has made changes to many existing Skill, Support, and Vaal Skill gems. Here is the gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the changed gems.

Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Affliction.

Transfigured Gems Part 1

In Path of Exile: Affliction, GGG added over 100 Transfigured Gems! Here’s the first batch of them.

Transfigured Gems Part 1

Transfigured Gems Part 2

In Path of Exile: Affliction, GGG added over 100 Transfigured Gems! Here’s the second batch of them.

Transfigured Gems Part 2

Transfigured Gems Part 3

In Path of Exile: Affliction, GGG added over 100 Transfigured Gems! Here’s the third batch of them.

Transfigured Gems Part 3

Transfigured Gems Part 4

In Path of Exile: Affliction, GGG added over 100 Transfigured Gems! Here’s the fourth batch of them.

Transfigured Gems Part 4

Transfigured Gems Part 5

In Path of Exile: Affliction, GGG added over 100 Transfigured Gems! Here’s the fifth batch of them.

Transfigured Gems Part 5

These skill gems are added to the Affliction League starting December 8th.

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