TbXie's Firestorm Inquisitor Build Guide Passive Skill Tree & Gem Links (PoE Necropolis)



Passive Skill Tree, PoB, and Gem Links

You can find an optimized Path of Building here. Every build I release will use the community fork of Path of Building, which is maintained and updated in a much more regular fashion than the original one. You can find PoB’s Fork, by LocalIdentity, here.

If you are not comfortable with Path of Building, PoePlanner’s website offers you a non-PoB alternative to import the pastebin into..

Progression Advice

The Path of Building offers a couple passive trees which should guide you through the leveling. If you follow those, you’ll be at end game in no time. Additionally, some step up gem sets & gear sets are provided starting at maps.

Gem Links

Vaal Firestorm Vaal Firestorm – Main Link (6-Link)

We’re suggesting you pick up Awakened gems as soon as you can, however, before you can afford those, slotting in regular ones is just fine.

  1. Vaal Firestorm Vaal Firestorm
  2. Awakened Unleash Support Awakened Unleash Support
  3. Awakened Elemental Focus Support Awakened Elemental Focus Support
  4. Increased Critical Damage Support Increased Critical Damage Support
  5. Intensify Support Intensify Support
  6. Empower Support Empower Support (or Cruelty Support Cruelty Support before Empower 3 or 4)


  1. Vitality Vitality (Up to level 21)
  2. Precision Precision (Level 1)
  1. Eternal Blessing Support Eternal Blessing Support
  2. Determination Determination

_Note: Eternal Blessing functions only if you’re blood magic because it will otherwise disable your other auras, being Vitality and Precision. Because the gem specifies it only turns of Aura’s which cost mana, which you don’t have because you’re reserving Life, it will cast Determination for free.


When encountering annoying targets, you’re dropping a Storm Brand on the floor which is linked to Combustion as well as casting an Assassin’s Mark to further amplify the damage enemies take. This only works if you have a source of Fire Damage to Spells so your Storm Brand can ignite. If you don’t have a source of Fire Damage (yet), Armageddon Brand Armageddon Brand. Link it to the power charge on critical support to generate power charges.

  1. Storm Brand Storm Brand
  2. Combustion Support Combustion Support
  3. Power Charge On Critical Support Power Charge On Critical Support
  1. Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark

Righteous Fire is to be held active permanently, as you should be easily able to sustain it after merciless labyrinth where you pick up Pious Path

  1. Righteous Fire Righteous Fire


Using Shield Charge is mandatory as it will proc your Pious Path Ascendancy. Use it to get around the map whilst keeping your Flame Dash to get over ledges.

  1. Shield Charge Shield Charge
  2. Faster Attacks Support Faster Attacks Support
  3. Flame Dash Flame Dash

Enduring Cry will generate Endurance Charges as well as give you some extra Life Regen. Stone Golem should be easy to keep up because you’re running such a potent Vitality Aura. When it dies, recast it.

  1. Enduring Cry Enduring Cry
  2. Summon Stone Golem Summon Stone Golem

Defenses & Automated Exposure

  1. Molten Shell Molten Shell (L10)
  2. Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support (L1)
  3. Wave of Conviction Wave of Conviction (L1)

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